Teresa Bryan
M.S./Ph.D Student
Contact Information:
Department of Zoology
223 Bartram Hall
PO Box 118525
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525
Voice: 352-392-1098
Fax: 352-392-3704
Degrees: B.S. - Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
– University of Florida, May 2000
Research Interests:
My research interests lie in elucidating the effects of environmental
compounds on alligator phallic development. Currently, I am documenting
the developmental differences during embryological growth of external
genitalia in alligators reared at both male and female incubation temperatures.
Proposed endpoints include morphometrics at the cellular and tissue levels
and steroid receptor prevalence in tissues from animals of different ages.
I plan to use this information in researching potential variation in alligators
from contaminated and reference lakes in Florida. Ultimately, I’d
like to identify to what degree, if any, reproductive anomalies in wildlife
(and their causes) can be paralleled with those of humans (i.e., cryptorchidism,
hypospadias, decreased sperm count, etc.). Additionally, I am studying
alligator eggshell variation within and between different Florida lakes.
Recent Publications
- Gunderson, MP, DS Bermudez, TA Bryan, DA Crain, S
Degala, TM Edwards, S Kools, MR Milnes, AR Woodward, LJ Guillette, Jr.
(2002) Temporal and spatial variation in plasma thyroxin (T4) concentrations
in juvenile alligators collected from Lake Okeechobee and the northern
Everglades. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 21:914-921.
- Gunderson, M.P., D.S. Bermudez, T.A. Bryan, S. Degala,
T.M. Edwards, S.A.E. Kools, M.R. Milnes, A.R.Woodward, L.J. Guillette
Jr., 2003. Variation in sex steroids and phallus size in juvenile American
alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected from 3 sites
within the Kissimmee-Everglades drainage in Florida (USA). Chemosphere
(accepted minor with revision September 30, 2003).
- Katsu, Y. , D.S. Bermudez, E. Braun, C. Helbing, S. Miyagawa, M.P.
Gunderson, S. Kohno, T.A. Bryan, L.J. Guillette Jr.
and T. Iguchi, 2003. Molecular cloning of the estrogen and progesterone
receptors of the American alligator. General and Comparative Endocrinology
(accepted with minor revision September 2003).
I Love Herps!
Teresa with a friend
Collecting gator eggs